Communion, Baptism, Child Dedication and Regular Gatherings - Why we practice these.
We observe communion and baptism.
While we don't believe that these practices give any person special favour or merit for righteousness, they are commanded by Jesus and for good reason. These acts of remembrance are what follow faith, practices that come after belief. The purpose is bless us, by reminding the believer that they are righteous in Jesus, forgiven and made new by His work of redemption.
Jesus did it for us!
Both communion and baptism are pictures of what Jesus did for us.
When Jesus gave up His body to be hung on the cross and let His blood be poured out, He was standing in our place and redeeming us by His sacrifice. When we take communion we are remembering it's all about His mercy and grace and His love for us, in dying for us.
When Jesus died, He was in the tomb for three days and then He rose again from the dead! This is pictured in the believers baptism. It's all about Jesus death and resurrection and when a believer puts their trust in Jesus baptism is a wonderful symbolic event that shares how they are one with Jesus in His death, and one with Jesus in His resurrection. Because Jesus died for us and rose for us, we will also rise from the dead, death cannot hold us, but it will give us up, because we are righteous and forgiven in Jesus! It also symbolizes that we are dead to our old ways, and alive to the new life He has given us. Baptism says something that's beautiful and powerful. It's a living picture of the person identifying themselves intimately with Jesus.
Communion - Acts 2:42 - And they continued steadfastly in the Apostles doctrine, in fellowship, in breaking of bread and in prayers. Communion is taking the bread and the cup together as a church family and remembering the life and death of Jesus for us.
Baptism - Act 2:38 "Repent, and let every one of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins; and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit."
We practice full immersion, age-accountable, water-baptism. Baptism is symbolic of the relationship we have in Jesus. Going down into the water symbolizes that we are buried with Jesus in His death, our old nature is crucified with Christ and we know longer live. Coming out of the water represents that we are risen with Jesus in His life, and the life that we now live, we live it in and for Jesus our Lord and Saviour. Not I, but Christ. Two wonderful sides pictured in baptism, the sin is forgiven and washed away, and new life is ours in His Spirit who sets us free.
While we don't believe that these practices give any person special favour or merit for righteousness, they are commanded by Jesus and for good reason. These acts of remembrance are what follow faith, practices that come after belief. The purpose is bless us, by reminding the believer that they are righteous in Jesus, forgiven and made new by His work of redemption.
Jesus did it for us!
Both communion and baptism are pictures of what Jesus did for us.
When Jesus gave up His body to be hung on the cross and let His blood be poured out, He was standing in our place and redeeming us by His sacrifice. When we take communion we are remembering it's all about His mercy and grace and His love for us, in dying for us.
When Jesus died, He was in the tomb for three days and then He rose again from the dead! This is pictured in the believers baptism. It's all about Jesus death and resurrection and when a believer puts their trust in Jesus baptism is a wonderful symbolic event that shares how they are one with Jesus in His death, and one with Jesus in His resurrection. Because Jesus died for us and rose for us, we will also rise from the dead, death cannot hold us, but it will give us up, because we are righteous and forgiven in Jesus! It also symbolizes that we are dead to our old ways, and alive to the new life He has given us. Baptism says something that's beautiful and powerful. It's a living picture of the person identifying themselves intimately with Jesus.
Communion - Acts 2:42 - And they continued steadfastly in the Apostles doctrine, in fellowship, in breaking of bread and in prayers. Communion is taking the bread and the cup together as a church family and remembering the life and death of Jesus for us.
Baptism - Act 2:38 "Repent, and let every one of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins; and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit."
We practice full immersion, age-accountable, water-baptism. Baptism is symbolic of the relationship we have in Jesus. Going down into the water symbolizes that we are buried with Jesus in His death, our old nature is crucified with Christ and we know longer live. Coming out of the water represents that we are risen with Jesus in His life, and the life that we now live, we live it in and for Jesus our Lord and Saviour. Not I, but Christ. Two wonderful sides pictured in baptism, the sin is forgiven and washed away, and new life is ours in His Spirit who sets us free.